What a shame none of these widely-admired people were well enough to face the courts...

1974: Richard Nixon, Watergate cover-up

1987: Janet F. McKinzie, forgery & fraud charged re collapse of North America Savings & Loan Assn

1989: President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Philippines, corruption charges

1992: Newport Beach Police Chief Arb Campbell, rape and sexual discrimination charges

1993: Erich Honecker, treason, corruption and abuse of power charges

2000: Margaret Thatcher’s friend General Pinochet, “too ill to stand trial” (Jack Straw)

2000: Former Indonesian President Suharto, corruption enquiry

2005: Former taoiseach Charles Haughey, to the Moriarty tribunal into dodgy deals re property and tax

2005: Dr James Lennox Kane, accused of maiming women in bungled operations

2006: Convicted racketeer Rick Rizzolo, tax evasion & racketeering, Las Vegas

2008: gangster Charles (Charlie Moose) Panarella, labour racketeering, NYC

2008: Pakistan President Zardari, corruption charges

2009: Colin Cope, independent school head accused of sexually abusing five boys

2011: Jacques Chirac too ill to stand trial for embezzlement

2011: Khmer Rouge social affairs minister Ieng Thirith, too “aged” - ie 69

2011 & 2012: Hilary Clinton, twice avoiding giving congressional testimony re murder of US ambassador & three others by Islamists in Benghazi

2013: Marcus Schlosser, head of an international investment scam

2013: Henry Assumang, in trial re his deliberate HIV infection of 2 women UK

2014: Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic, Radovan Karadzic trial

2014: Former Chicago Mayor Daley, police torture & his 30-year cover-up of it

2015: Leo Barnes, accused of double murder in UK

April 2015: Lord Janner, child sex abuse (9 days after signing letter wanting to continue to be in the House of Lords)

May 2015: Oskar Groening, Auschwitz bookkeeper in murder of 300,000 Hungarian Jews trial



  1. Anonymous21 May, 2015

    Money doesn't talk it swears...

    Staggering list...in relation to child sex abuse,I was aware in the seventies that Sir Cyril was abusing young boys as did the police and many people were aware that Sir Jimmy was abusing children ( check out Jerry Sadowicz's stand up act from years ago on you tube in which he refers to this and Saville was then having open access to Stoke Manderville,etc ) There is an Establishment cover up and Jenner,unlike Frank Black,has used his power and privelige to avoid proscecution for many,many years. I was unaware of the 9 days point and this has persuaded me to start a campaign to make Jenner stand trial and thiscampaign is on the 38 degrees website. Michael,thanks for research.


    1. Thank you - but if you want to be useful in campaigning along those lines, you must take care to spell his name correctly: it's JAnner, not JEnner.
