photo & caption taken from Praxis: One by Stephen Pickering, Santa Cruz, CA: No Limit Publications, 1971 - the first edition of a book, now rare, which is full of brilliant pictures - photographer uncredited.
Update: since posting this yesterday, I've been told that the caption typed under the photo when published in Praxis: One  is incorrect:

Harold Lepidus of Bob Dylan Examiner shared my post on his Facebook page and received this response from a Bob Stacy:

Most definitely, it’s NOT Paris, May 24, 1966, as S. Pickering had captioned in his publication. There are several photos with Bob and the lady. I think all or most of those were taken by Barry Feinstein. There’s one in Feinstein’s  Real Moments photo book. It says Birmingham, (May 12) 1966 - “This old lady who sold flowers came in and they really hit it off. He loved to gab with older people.”
          The grande old dame even made the final cut in Bob’s Eat The Document film.
          At one point, he asks her, “Did you like ‘Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues’? That’s what I’m asking you. Do you remember the song? Perhaps you don’t remember it?”
          Flower Lady: “I never recognized you with your ... wig.”
(Closing door - end scene ... tough review, possibly one of the rare times Dylan was left totally speechless on that tour.)

So if it was  Birmingham, he was not even 25"...


  1. 72 and counting!

    Celebrated by listening to his magnificent album Tempest this morning. Grows on ya, doesn't it? Incredibly, my own dad is 77, and for 12 years has been retired and coddled and declining. Bob sets some pace for an old codger, and long may this continue...

  2. Elmer Gantry26 May, 2013


    I celebrated Bob's birthday by drinking some cheap red wine and putting on Disc 2 of Biograph.

    I then proceeded to forget that the misconceived and unpleasant Tempest ever existed...

    as George Harrison put it, realised he is still 'the Gaffer'...

  3. Anonymous26 May, 2013

    But is it the same Old Lady...

  4. Good question: she looks so very French...

  5. Elmer Gantry27 May, 2013


    So, sadly, she is not the 'flower lady' mentioned in the Phil Ochs song:


    By the way, also found the George Harrison quote I mentioned yesterday. Its in Geoffrey Giulano's biography:

    'To George Harrison, Dylan was a revelation. Never in his short life had he met anyone so pervasively hip and untouched by the societal evils he so eloquently exposed in his songs. "Bob was always the gaffer as far as I was concerned," said George...

  6. Elmer Gantry28 May, 2013


    On another point would add that I always admired the beautiful economy of George Harrison's guitar playing...

    Like James Burton on those great early Ricky Nelson records, George might only play three or four notes but they were always the right three or four notes...

    Was unsurprised to eventually find out that Burton was one of George's own favourite guitar players...

  7. Elmer Gantry03 June, 2013


    Some great pictures of Bob, Dave Van Ronk, Paul Clayton and others here:


  8. Shalom & Erev tov...during Tour74, Barry Feinstein told me that, indeed, it was Manchester...and I was able to see some delightful other shots of the 'flower lady'...

    STEPHAN PICKERING / חפץ ח"ם בן אברהם
    Torah אלילה Yehu'di Apikores / Philologia Kabbalistica Speculativa Researcher
    לחיות זמן רב ולשגשג


    801 Brookhaven Drive # A
    Brookings, Oregon 97415-8134

  9. Shalom & Erev tov...hasty typing without checking my files...it was Birmingham, 12 May...Barry showed me a contact sheet, with several of Bob with the flower lady, and his favourite appears on pp. 90-91 in REAL MOMENTS...

    1. Many thanks for both your Comments. Much appreciate your having cleared this up.
